Fishing the Symi shrimp

Picture of Catalina


the Travel Curator

At the westernmost point of Symi island stands Agios Emilianos monastery, where I met Irini & Vasilis, the lovely fishing couple on their boat.

They were cleaning the catch of the day: the Symi shrimp (symiako garidaki). It’s a unique variety of tiny shrimps that inhabit the sea around the island. It’s bright red, delicate, sweet and constitutes the quintessential seafood delicacy of Symi, its signature dish!

We enjoy them crispy-fried in olive oil and usually eat them whole, including tails, shells, and heads. Seasoned with fleur de sel and bit of fresh squeezed lemon juice atop. For a more intense flavor we add garlic and green bell peppers, like the old local style of cooking. Cheers with a glass of chilled fine rosé wine of the Xinomavro variety!


On Key

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Fishing the Symi shrimp

At the westernmost point of Symi island stands Agios Emilianos monastery, where I met Irini & Vasilis, the lovely fishing couple on their boat.

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